The other day I was thinking about the function for performing dynamic memory
allocation in the C standard library, malloc. From the manual pages,
If successful, the malloc() function returns a pointer to allocated memory. If there is an error, it returns a NULL pointer and sets errno to ENOMEM.
One of the most common errors
when using malloc is not checking for allocation failure. The allocation is not
guaranteed to succeed and trying to use a NULL reference can lead to program
So a common pattern we’ll see is:
Here we allocated space for an integer, cast the void*
returned from malloc
to an int*
, compared it against the NULL
pointer, then freed the allocated
memory and removed the reference.
One of the big problems with the null pointer has to do with safely dereferencing it. In C, dereferencing the null pointer is undefined and usually leads to a segfault and program crash.
It can be so unsafe to work with null pointers that C. A. R. Hoare refers to them as his billion-dollar mistake:
I call it my billion-dollar mistake. It was the invention of the null reference in 1965. At that time, I was designing the first comprehensive type system for references in an object oriented language (ALGOL W). My goal was to ensure that all use of references should be absolutely safe, with checking performed automatically by the compiler. But I couldn’t resist the temptation to put in a null reference, simply because it was so easy to implement. This has led to innumerable errors, vulnerabilities, and system crashes, which have probably caused a billion dollars of pain and damage in the last forty years.
So how do we represent the value of nothing? With an integer, for example, your first instinct might be to use 0 to refer to no value. But 0 is a value, so how do we represent the range of integer values but also whether there is a value or not?
Rust, a systems programming language with a focus on safety and concurrency, does not have the concept of a null pointer. Instead, it has a different construct to represent the absence of value, a whole other structure called an Option. It is an enumerated type that can either be None (no value) or Some(T) (a specialization of type T).
So what the heck is an option type and how do we use it? The option type is a polymorphic type (generic type that can be specialized) that encapsulates either an empty constructor or the constructor of the original data type. Let’s take a trip down the rabbit hole to see how we use one. First, let’s look at some C++ code, and then translate it to Rust.
Let’s step through this program line by line, starting in main.
Here we’re calling a function that may return null, just like malloc!
In the body of may_return_null
we seed the random number generator, generate a random number, mod it by 2
(so it can either be 0 or 1, 50-50 chance, hopefully), then either return a
pointer pointing to memory allocated on the heap or the null pointer. We also use the succinct
ternary operator, which gives us the power of a conditional statement in the
form of a concise expression.
We check if the pointer is valid, that is that it is safe to use, as NULL
falsy in a C++ conditional. If it is, then we can safely dereference it. Let’s
switch on the (dereferenced) value. Notice how we need to break to explicitly
prevent fall through, though
97% of the time that’s what you intend.
If the pointer was null, the else branch of the conditional would execute printing a different result.
Finally in we check the value pointed to. Did I forget something here? Save that thought, we’ll come back to it.
Let’s see my rough translation of this program into Rust.
Both programs, when compiled should randomly print either:
No Value
// or
Number of the Beast
Did I mention that Iron Maiden is my favorite Band?
Now let’s walk through the Rust code, starting at main and compare it to the equivalent C++ code.
I read this Rust code as ’let x be type Option,
specialized to type int initialized
to the return value of may_return_none.’ I read the C++ as ‘x is a const pointer
to a const integer initialized to the return value of may_return_none.’ It’s
important to note that values and pointers in Rust default to being immutable,
where as in c++ they default to being mutable, which is why we need to be
explicit about their const’ness. In Rust, we could declare x as being explicitly
mutable: let mut x: ... = ...;
. In both, we can also leave the explicit types
to be inferred by the compiler.
Now for the body of may_return_none
. Rust does not have a ternary operator,
so a single line if {} else {}
block will have to do. We also don’t need
parentheses around the predicate in the conditional statement. If we add them,
no harm is done, as we’d just be being redundant about order of operations.
are no semicolons in this expression, nor a return statement in this function.
Rust will return the last expression in a function or method if the semicolon is
left off. Also there is no such thing as a conditional statement, only
conditional expressions; the if is itself something that can be evaluated and
assigned to a variable! We see this later in the code where we pass the evaluation
of a match expression directly into a call of io::println
Rust returns the evaluation of the if expression,
which is the evaluation of the branch’s block specified by the predicate,
which will randomly be one of the two enumerated types of Option<int>
, either
an encapsulation of a int whose literal value is 666
, Some<666>
, or
the representation of no value, None
. I believe the RNG code has changed in 0.7,
this code was written in 0.6.
In Rust, to get the value out of an option type, we pattern match on it. Pattern matching is something I became familiar with through the Haskell programming language. Pattern matching is a powerful language construct that can entirely replace conditionals. In fact, the one line if expression could have been written using a match expression:
The basic design pattern for accessing the value of an option type in Rust looks like:
The curly braces are optional for one liners (no block needed). Pattern matches have to be exhaustive. That means I have to exhaust all possibilities for what the deconstructed value could be. You can use a branch that looks like:
to catch everything else. The underscore here means “every other possible case.”
So by having to use a match expression (also not a
statement, as opposed to C++’s switch statement), which itself must be exhaustive,
Rust forces us to handle the case where the optional type is None! This will
help us again in the future.
We also don’t need parentheses around the predicate for the match expression, which
in this case is just a single variable, x
In the value
, the underscore has an additional meaning here that we would not use a
variable in the corresponding arm’s block. If we declared it as Some(y)
we would get the warning: 14:11 warning: unused variable: `y` Some(y) => "Nothing special",
I hope back in my C++ code you spotted the fatal flaw. On line 28, I just dereferenced a raw pointer without checking its validity. This is a violation of memory safety.
When running the C++ code, instead of seeing No value
printed to stdout in the
case of no value, a segfault occurs.
No value
[1] 80265 segmentation fault ./option
What I should have done is something more like:
But, the C++ compiler let me get away with not handling the case where the
pointer was invalid (even if doing nothing in the case of “handling” it). By
leaving out the check for a valid pointer, I have instructed the machine to
behave the same or follow the same code path with and without a reference to a
valid memory location. Let’s see what happens when I don’t handle the None case
by deleting line 15 or, None => "No value"
: 16:3 error: non-exhaustive patterns: None not covered io::println(match x { Some(777) => "Lucky Sevens", Some(666) => "Number of the Beast", Some(42) => "Meaning of Life", Some(_) => "Nothing special"
Not only did the compiler prevent me from generating an executable, it told me that a pattern was not exhaustive, explicitly which one, and what case that was not covered.
Coming back to encoding a lack of value for an int, we had left off that 0 is a valid value. For instance, how should we represent any other integer divided by 0, as an integer? Signed integers use a single bit to store whether their value is positive or negative, the tradeoff being the signed integers represent up to one less power of two than unsigned integers. Maybe we could use an additional bit to represent valid or invalid, but this would again cost us in terms of representable values. The IEEE 754 floating point representation has encodings for plus and minus Infinity, plus and minus 0, and two kinds of NaN. To solve the validity problem, we can use enumerated types, which in Rust occur as specializations of the Option type. It’s up to the compiler to implement either additional information for the type, or use raw null pointers. And to get the value back out of the Option type, we must handle the case where there is no valid value.
The key takeaways that I wish to convey are:
- In C and C++, I can use NULL to refer to a pointer that has no value.
- A C/C++ compiler, such as clang, will allow me to compile code that violates memory safety, such as dereferencing NULL pointers.
- Rust instead uses Option types, an enumeration of a specialized type or None.
- Rust forces me to use a match statement to access the possible value of an Option type.
- Pattern matching in Rust must be exhaustive.
- The Rust compiler, rustc, forces me to handle the case where the pointer has no value, whereas the C++ compiler, clang++, did not.
- All conditional and switch statements can be replaced with pattern matching.